Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A beautiful Sunday in Watkins Glen NY

I spent the morning and afternoon at the Raceway taking pictures for a few of my friends that were doing laps on the track on opening day.

To anyone whom I gave a business card to, please email me with the make, year and color of your car. I will email you back with a photo of your car.

I took over 1,800 photos yesterday and will be adding more photographs over the next few days, so check back if you like what you see below:)

After the race some of us went over to the Watkins Glen State Park for the first time and it was simply amazing. We will be going back in the fall to capture more of its beauty.

Click on any of the images below to view my folder of the other images.

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A bit of color IR shooting:
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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally got my shot.

For the past few weeks I have wanted to capture this certain image. Every time I drove down Oriskany Boulevard, past the Auditorium and Utica Police Station, I could not believe the View I had now that the building next to the Police Station had been torn down. When I actually went to the location I thought I could get this shot since I ran into some difficulties, but luckily I was wrong.

Below is a small portion of the panoramic I shot last night. If you click on the image you can see the full panoramic of downtown. It shows from the Auditorium to the Salvation Army.

Click here to visit my online gallery

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More of Downtown Utica:

Up Genesee Street:
Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Down Broad Street:
Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Monday, April 21, 2008

Phew, we have been busy...


I have been shooting so much it will take a while to get caught up, a wonderful change from last month! This is all thanks largely in part to the beautiful weather we have enjoyed this spring. Models have been keeping me very busy as well as shooting from a few new locations in Utica which you will see over the new week.

Also, this past week was our most visited week as of yet. A big thank you to all of our new and frequent visitors!

Now back to the "typical" Shadowman post:

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Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image


Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Few More Shots From Tuesday Night

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

If you are interested in seeing the rest of my shots of A the Shadowcutie click this link

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Whats coming down the pipe.

D and I finally roamed the streets of Utica again and are excited to be back out and shooting it. We were quite busy with many side projects and finding the time to shoot around downtown is a nice change of pace. The warmer nights and clear weather always brings good times.

Here is a small preview of tonights adventures:

Click here to visit my online gallery

Also, a preview of Saturday's shoot with A, one of our "Shadowcutie's".

Click here to visit my online gallery

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There seems to have been a lapse in posts, but not in shooting.

This weekend L and I shot a new model on Saturday and I shot another on Sunday. Expect to see these new images very soon.

Also be on the look out for new images of Utica at angles not seen since Dante Tranquille;)


Thursday, April 10, 2008

..a Viking in Utica!

T the Shadowcutie and I went out for a shoot a few weeks ago and what fun it was. Tonight I finally found the time to sit down and work on the images...

Click on any image to view the gallery of her photographs:

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image
Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stanley Grand Reopening

On Saturday April 5th I made a trip to the grand re-opening of the Stanley Theater. Ever since I was very young I enjoyed the trips there and was always amazed with the scale, richness and intricacy. I am very pleased to see that even though a lot has changed, they made the things that I loved even better.

Sadly in Utica, when it comes to older properties many just let them go to waste. In a few years too many will be torn down and become more vacant lots. I am really pleased that this was not the case with this historic building and I really wish more properties were revitalized like the Stanley.

It seems that the architects and engineers did a very good job incorporating the new with the old. To not disturb what was already existing but making it more practical for current and future use. It seems that all of the right steps were taken on this project and it really shows. From the New Marquee, to the addition, to the stage and everything in between, the Stanley is still a timeless beauty.

There has already been a few shows since the opening, and I believe this will mature and become very healthy for downtown Utica and the surrounding areas. I hope that these renovations help attract world class shows as planned.

You can also visit The Stanley's website to view more history and upcoming shows.

Now it is time to see the pictures. After all this is a photography website.

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome back Stanley, what a grand opening yet again.

The Stanley Theatre opened September 10, 1928 and....

The shots below were taken over two weeks ago when I was allowed inside to roam about to shoot what and where I wanted. I do hope you enjoy the next two days of images. Expect more photos from L tomorrow.

This first image is a shot of me holding an original grand opening ticket for two from 1928:

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Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

A few photos to add to D's cars post

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Click here to visit my online gallery

Saturday, April 5, 2008

... automobiles.

Out of all these forms of transportation, cars are what my friends and I are deeply into.

Car shows, driving hard in the twistys, car cruises and working on them are things that put smiles on our faces.

A bit of shooting for this theme:

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Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Thursday, April 3, 2008

... trains...

"Utica Morning Herald, Tues., May 19, 1874

Yesterday afternoon the inhabitants of Schuyler street were surprised at seeing a long string of passenger coaches, box cars, platform cars and coal jimmies, with here and there and engine sandwiched in, passing down their usually quiet avenue."

Although I am not so sure that Schuyler Street is quiet any longer, small trains still pass down the middle of this city street:

(Click any image below to go to the gallery with other images of trains in and around Utica.)

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

A favorite of mine:

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Ready for tomorrow? Can you guess the subject tomorrow? ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



Has anyone else noticed the recent increase of planes flying around the skies of CNY this spring? Many were Military (and one military helicopter with a HUGE gun on the front) making this slightly reminiscent of the days of old.

I wonder what the deal is? If you know leave a comment or send over an email please!

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Click here to go to the Gallery containing this image

Back in Action

Happy belated April fools day!!! I did not have any tricks played on me today. well except for my car, my starter decided to die on me today. That was a nice surprise to find when I went to leave school today.

I'm glad to inform everybody that I'm back in action. Having your tonsils out is a rough road, let me tell you. For a little over a week everything I ate or drank went down like razor blades. But I'm past that and feeling much better. Also I final got the parts for my computer that I had been waiting for. That is all back up and running now the way I wanted it to be. Unfortunately I was not able to sort everything around like I was hoping to be able too. Once I got the computer up and running how I wanted, I wanted nothing to do with it any more for a few days.

Earlier this week I started to go back to a few folders of photos that I had let my self get behind on. With the nice weather we had to day I'm going to post a few pictures to remember a few events of the end of winter.

Snowfari 2008

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Click here to visit my online gallery

Snowstorm March 21 At Utica State Hospital (Psycho Center)

Click here to visit my online gallery

Click here to visit my online gallery

Hopefully this is the last of the snow that we see for this year.
